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Michigan Court Records

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Wayne County Arrest Records

Wayne County arrest records comprise data on arrests conducted within the county. Generally, law enforcement officers can legally arrest persons suspected of committing crimes. There are also instances where officers make arrests to protect individuals or properties from potential harm. In Wayne County, arrested persons are temporarily detained in the county jail.

Wayne County's local law enforcement entities are mostly responsible for creating most arrest records. For instance, the county sheriff's office generates and maintains records of arrest events.

Note that arrest records are also accessible in other public documents, such as inmate records and criminal history documents. Wayne County court records may also feature arrest information like arrest warrants and charges.

Are Arrest Records Public in Wayne County?

Under Michigan's Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), most arrest records are classified as public records. This means the general public can view or obtain records from such entities.

State laws also restrict access to certain arrest records. The records in question may include information that is deemed to violate an individual's privacy or safety. For instance, the law restricts access to records, which may endanger the lives of law enforcement officers. Other exempt arrest records in Wayne County include the following:

  • Information on crime victims’ identities.
  • Documents that may interfere with an investigation process.
  • Documents that could affect an individual's right to a fair trial or adjudication.

What Do Public Arrest Records Contain?

Public arrest records in Wayne County may include these details:

  • Arrestee’s name, age, address, and other physical attributes
  • Booking history, including booking date
  • Bond type and amount
  • Correction facility holding the arrestee
  • Charge description
  • Arresting agency
  • Offense date
  • Disposition date

Wayne County Crime Rate

Michigan State Police maintains an annual crime data report for all counties and agencies in the state. Per the 2023 crime report, Wayne County documented a total of 4,922 crimes. The report comprises crimes against persons, society, and reports. Furthermore, larceny thefts and aggravated assaults were the most reported crimes.

Wayne County Arrest Statistics

Per the MSP crime report, Wayne County’s law enforcement agencies documented 2,575 arrests in 2022. On the other hand, the county jail has a total inmate population of 1,281 as of August 2024.

Find Wayne County Arrest Records

Public members can find Wayne County arrest records at the county sheriff's office. The sheriff may allow in-person requests for arrest records in their custody. To obtain the records, inquirers must visit the sheriff's office during operational hours at:

301 Russell Street
Detroit, MI 48211
Phone: (313) 833-0864
Fax: (313) 224-2367

Inmate records are alternative sources for finding Wayne County arrest records. Such records typically feature arrest data like the arrestee's name, photograph, charge description, booking information, and arresting agency. With that being said, inmate records are available through government-owned online search sites. For instance, the Wayne County Sheriff's Office maintains an online search portal for arrestees detained in the county jail. To find and view inmate records on the portal, users must search by filling out these search information:

  • Arrestee's names
  • Subject number
  • Booking number and date
  • Housing facility.

In contrast, the Michigan Department of Corrections’ Offender Tracking Information System (OTIS) is an online repository for finding inmate information. Interested parties must input the required search information to view inmate records on the platform.

The Federal Bureau of Prisons inmate locator is another online resource for Accessing Wayne County arrest records. The agency maintains records of inmates incarcerated in the county's correctional facilities. Interested parties must input the inmate's name or prison number to view records on the portal.

Free Arrest Record Search in Wayne County

In Wayne County, record seekers can find free arrest records in the following government-owned online resources:

The county sheriff's office may allow viewing of arrest records in-person at their physical location. Note that the agency charges fees for printing out copies of the requested documents.

Record seekers utilize third-party search sites as alternatives for accessing arrest records for free. Such sites feature one or more types of public records that feature arrest information. Third-party sites often have an easy-to-use interface and do not have restrictions common in most official search sites. For instance, they don't restrict out-of-state or country users from accessing the site. Despite the perks of using third-party sites, they are mostly unregulated and may not feature accurate arrest data.

Get Wayne County Criminal Records

Wayne County criminal records are documents that reveal an individual’s criminal conviction history. Such documents also include arrest information and court disposition records.

The Michigan State Police's Criminal Justice Center creates and maintains all criminal records generated in the state. As the record custodian, the agency allows name- or fingerprint-based searches for criminal records. To search criminal records by name, applicants must use the agency's iChat search portal. In contrast, you must follow these steps to conduct a fingerprint-based search for criminal records:

  1. Visit the nearest law enforcement agency to get fingerprinted. In-state record seekers must request to be fingerprinted on the Michigan RI-008 fingerprint card. However, out-of-state requesters must use the FD-258 fingerprint card.
  2. Complete the other required sections in the fingerprint card

Note: non-residents must include a cover letter stating the reasons for requesting a criminal record check.

  1. Enclose a $30 check or money order that is made payable to the “State of Michigan”.
  2. Send the completed fingerprint card, fee, and other required documents to:

Michigan State Police
P.O. Box 30266
Lansing, Michigan 48909-7766.

Wayne County Arrest Records Vs. Criminal Records

Wayne County's arrest records are not the same as criminal records. The records differ in terms of content, custodial agency, and record creation process. In terms of content, arrest records only cover data created during or after an arrest event. However, criminal records reveal information about an individual's criminal history. Thus, you may find arrest information, indictment, court disposition, and inmate data in criminal records.

The creation process is also a differentiating factor; law enforcement entities are primarily responsible for creating and storing arrest records. They handle requests for arrest-related documents like incident or arrest reports. In contrast, the Michigan State Police is the custodian of criminal records. The agency collects crime data from different agencies to create criminal records.

How Long Do Arrests Stay on Your Record?

In Wayne County, arrest records remain public records unless the record subject seals or expunges them. The Michigan State Police may automatically expunge less severe misdemeanor arrest records after a certain timeframe.

Expunge Wayne County Arrest Records

In Wayne County, petitioners can expunge arrest records by filing a petition with the appropriate government entity. For instance, you can expunge dismissed arrest charges by reaching out to the Michigan State Police. To expunge criminal conviction records, you must file a petition with the state police, the state attorney general's office, and the court that oversaw the case.

Who is eligible to expunge arrest records in Wayne County?

Under Section 780.621, petitioners are eligible to expunge arrest records under these conditions:

  • They were convicted of one or two criminal offenses.
  • The arrest charges were dismissed or did not lead to a criminal conviction.
  • They do not have more than one felony conviction for the same offense that carries a 10-year sentence.
  • They were convicted of violating sections 1931 PA 328, MCL 750.448, 750.449, and 750.450, and sections 448, 449, or 450 of the Michigan penal code.

How to expunge arrest records in Wayne County

To expunge dismissed arrest charges, petitioners must search the iChat portal to see if the agency already expunged the records. If not, petitioners must send a request for automatic expungement to the MSP via MSP-CRD-CSAAUTOMATIC@michigan.gov.

In contrast, follow this guide to expunge criminal conviction records in Wayne County:

  1. Obtain a copy of your criminal record from the MSP.

  2. Get a copy of the case file from the court that handled the case.

  3. Get fingerprinted at a local law enforcement agency.

  4. Make copies of these documents and send them to the following agencies:
    Wayne County’s Prosecutor’s Office
    5301 Russell Street
    Suite 200
    Detroit, MI 48211330.
    Phone: (313) 224-5777

    Michigan State Police - CJIC
    P.O. Box 30266
    Lansing, Michigan 48909-7766.

    Department of the Michigan Attorney General Criminal Trials and Appeals Division
    G. Mennen Williams Building
    525 West Ottawa Street
    P.O. Box 30217
    Lansing, MI 48909

  5. For documents sent to the Michigan State Police, petitioners must enclose a $50 processing fee as a money order or check payable to the State of Michigan.

After receiving the petition, the court will set a hearing date and review objections from concerned agencies. Next, the court will review the petition and make a decision. If the petition is granted, the court will issue an expungement order to all agencies holding the record.

Wayne County Arrest Warrants

Arrest warrants are court orders that authorize arrests of suspected offenders. Court judges or magistrates may issue arrest warrants upon getting an affidavit or complaint from law enforcement officers.

Arrest warrants issued in Wayne County may include information on the following:

  • The defendant's name and physical attributes like weight, race, and gender.
  • Criminal charges
  • Arresting agency's name and address
  • The court judge's signature and official position.

Wayne County Arrest Warrant Search

Wayne County Prosecutor's Office, via the Warrants Section, maintains records of all warrants issued in the county. To search arrest warrants, interested parties must visit the agency at:

Wayne County Criminal Justice Center
5301 Russell Street
Suite 200
Detroit 48211
Phone: (313) 224-5777

Do Wayne County Arrest Warrants Expire?

Wayne County arrest warrants do not have an expiration date. Warrants will remain visible on public records like criminal background records. Furthermore, warrants remain active until the defendant gets arrested or the court cancels them.

  • Criminal Records
  • Arrests Records
  • Warrants
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